Hiking the Flat Tops Wilderness in Colorado

  •  26-09-2020 10:49 PM

Finishing the Colorado Trail two years after hiking it - a story about finishing right.

  •  10-09-2020 03:26 PM

Hiking the Collegiate East route on the Colorado trail.

  •  28-08-2020 09:23 PM

New book coming soon! I have much to tell you about maintaining high performance on the trail through dietary choices... recipes included! Here is an excerpt from it.

  •  04-08-2020 01:53 PM

On one recent hike I was feeling sluggish after a couple days. I realized that I had been a bit dehydrated and was running low on electrolytes.

  •  25-07-2020 08:40 PM

Another epic 40-mile hike in the Lost Creek Wilderness Area. Iconic scenery unique to all the Rocky Mountains.

  •  13-06-2020 07:50 PM

Hike a National Nature Landmark. Experience rare granite arches with miles and miles of spectacular towering rock formations. See rivers that flowed partly above the ground and partly below the ground. Experience The Lost Creek Wilderness Area!

  •  02-06-2020 02:50 PM

Fish Tank talks about his Pacific Crest Trail hike; his wife talks about how to make this work with a family; he reveals a never-told story, and announces his next adventure.

  •  19-05-2020 03:30 AM

I was carrying 45 pounds of all this great gear. It was a 3-mile 800-foot elevation gain hike into camp. My shoulders went numb, my head was pounding, and my feet ached like I had hiked all day. It didn't have to be this way.

  •  15-05-2020 06:42 PM

There’s a saying among backpackers. “You pack your fears.” So, unpack your fears and feel the weight lift and a stronger you emerge.

  •  13-04-2020 07:23 PM

Water is essential. Having clean water choices is a necessity while backpacking and hiking. What is the best option for making sure we are safe from bad water? Find out here!

  •  12-03-2020 07:45 PM

What does it take to prepare for a long hike? Here's what I did for my recent section hike of The Arizona National Scenic Trail.

  •  22-02-2020 12:00 AM