Backpacking can be a great way to experience the outdoors and get some exercise, but it can also be expensive. If you're looking to save money on your next backpacking trip, here are a few tips:
1. Gear
- Buy used gear. You can find great deals on used gear at thrift stores, online marketplaces, and garage sales.
- Borrow gear from friends or family members.
- Rent gear. If you only need gear for a few trips, renting can be a good option.
- Pack light. The less gear you have to carry, the cheaper your trip will be.
- Choose lightweight and durable gear. Lightweight gear is easier to carry, and durable gear will last longer, saving you money in the long run.
2. Food
- Pack your own food. This is the best way to save money on food.
- Choose lightweight and easy-to-prepare meals.
- Bring snacks to keep you going between meals.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
3. Transportation
- Carpool with friends or family members.
- Take public transportation.
- Stay with friends whenever possible.
- Some trails have "trail angles" that will help you out for little or no cost.
Additional Tips
- Plan your trip in advance to avoid peak season prices.
- Book your campsites in advance.
- Cook your own meals instead of eating out.
- Buy groceries at local stores instead of convenience stores.
- Bring a water filter instead of buying bottled water.
- Use reusable water bottles and utensils.
- Pack light and small to avoid paying for checked baggage.
By following these tips, you can save money on your next backpacking trip without sacrificing any of the fun.